Equine Lawyers in South Yorkshire

Equine lawyers, equine specialist legal firms in South Yorkshire and surrounding areas. If you are an equine lawyer in South Yorkshire and would like a free or premium listing, please click here for information.

Equine Lawyers in South Yorkshire - Free Listings

Emsleys Solicitors

West Yorkshire

2 Colton Mill, Bullerthorpe Lane, Leeds, LS15 9JN

Andrew Greenwood

Tel: 0113 232 1030

Email: andrew.greenwood@emsleys.co.uk

Web: www.emsleys.co.uk

West Yorkshire

Harrowells LLP

North Yorkshire

Moorgate House, Clifton Moor Gate, York, YO30 4WY

Simon Black

Tel: 01904 690111

Email: simon.Black@harrowells.co.uk

Web: www.harrowells.co.uk

North Yorkshire

Hart Law LLP

West Yorkshire

63 St. James Street, Wetherby, LS22 6RS

Jeremy Pickworth

Tel: 01937 547001

Email: jpickworth@hartlaw.co.uk

Web: www.hartlaw.co.uk

West Yorkshire


North Yorkshire

Queens House, Micklegate, York, YO1 6WG

Serena Brotherton

Tel: 01904 610886

Email: serena.brotherton@langleys.com

Web: www.langleys.com

North Yorkshire

Michael Bower Equine Law

West Yorkshire

6-12 Devonshire Street, Keighley, BD21 2DG

Michael Bower

Tel: 0300 303 2865

Email: info@michaelbowerequinelaw.co.uk

Web: www.michaelbowerequinelaw.co.uk

West Yorkshire



2 Kayes Walk, Nottingham

Caroline Bowler

Tel: 0115 896 3467

Email: c.bowler@rotheras.co.uk

Web: www.rotheras.co.uk
